Friday, August 21, 2009

Fight Like a Girl

I've been wanting to try making a purchase on Etsy for a long time, so I finally took the plunge. I was organizing my scrap stuff the other day and thought for the thousandth time that I needed a pincushion (for my decorative pins, and for straight pins to clean the tips of glue bottles, etc). This is what I bought. I got it in the mail on Tuesday and it's even more gorgeous in person than in the photo. I love the clay rose and the vintage button stack, and it came really fast because it turns out the seller is from Clovis, which I didn't realize when I placed the order. Anyway, it looks great on my scrap table and now I'm sure I have more Etsy purchases that I'll *have* to buy. This, I think, is completely gorgeous, although out of my price range.

Like I said, I've been organizing my scrapbooking stuff. I've gone through a lot of different phases of scrapbook organization and finally have decided that it works best for me to have items out where I can see them, displayed prettily, and as close to hand as possible. I have several different kinds of glass jars, two and three tiered baskets, and I just got a vintage-y milk crate from Target the other day because I've outgrown my old embellishment basket. I love the look of it, althought I'm also considering spray painting it cream, then pink, then sanding it so the cream shows through the pink. (I know, I'm such a girly girl when it comes to scrapbooking stuff, I can't help it!) Here's a pic.

Also very exciting is that Halloween is fast approaching. I have been stalking Michaels for the past two weeks, seriously going there almost every day, waiting for them to have the new Martha Stewart Halloween stuff out. This past year I fell in love with Halloween and especially the MS stuff. Anyway, every day I went in and the stuff wasn't out yet and I was getting so frustrated - I was ready to march in and say, Look, I work for JoAnn's, and I know how to planogram, so give me the darn planogram and I'll set it up for you! Well, finally it was out and I got this punch, which I saw featured on a web site last year and LOVED, but when I went to Michaels, they had already sold out of it. I'm still waiting for them to put out the Mad Scientist 12x12 paper pad, which looks soooo cool. Sad thing is? Don't really know what I'm buying this stuff for, just love it. There's a bunch of other cool stuff, like glow in the dark glitter, cupcake wrappers, and more that I plan to acquire over the next few weeks with coupons.

A month ago or so I was cutting some fabric for a couple at work and asked them what they were making. They said they made wall hangings with large crystal appliques on them, and they sold them at the Paris Flea Market in downtown Visalia, and that I should check it out. When I was downtown last week, I was driving home and suddenly I saw it, so I pulled over and went in. While there was a lot of stuff I wasn't crazy about, I scored some great finds. A vintage sewing pattern for 25 cents, an old record with the coolest record cover, a great vintage picture, and a "bake-o-meter" spinner card that shows you how long to cook meat for, but that I think is just gonna be a cool accent on a project. Also there was this great vintage hat with flowers which I lusted after, but didn't get because it was too expensive. Thanks to I love anything vintage millinery. I think it's incredibly ironic that I've ended up loving vintage crafty stuff.

My new favorite song is "Fight Like a Girl" by Bomshel. Inspires me every time I hear it, so here's the lyrics.

Little girl alone on the playground
Tired of gettin' teased and gettin 'pushed around
Wishin' she was invisible to them
She went home cryin', why do they hate me?
Mama wiped her tears and said, baby, you're brave and you're beautiful

So hold your head high
Don't ever let 'em define the light in your eyes
Love yourself, give 'em hell
You can take on this world
You just stand and be strong and then fight like a girl

At 31 she was wheelin' and dealin'
Kept on hittin' that same glass ceiling
She was never gonna be one of the boys, no
She coulda gave up on her ambitions
And spent the rest of her life just wishin'
Instead she listened to her mama's voice sayin'

Hold your head high
Don't ever let 'em define the light in your eyes
Love yourself, give 'em hell
You can take on this world
You just stand and be strong and then fight like a girl

Oh, with style and grace
Kick a** and take names

Ten years of climbin' that ladder
Oh, the money and power don't matter
When the doctor said the cancer spread
She holds on tight to her husband and babies
And says, This is just another test God gave me
And I know just how to handle this

I'll hold my head high
I'll never let this define the light in my eyes
Love myself, give 'em hell
I'll take on this world
Yes, I'll stand and be strong
No, I'll never give up
I will conquer with love and I'll fight like a girl

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