Friday, May 15, 2009

In Which I Speak of Eggs in a Basket

So maybe I'm the only one late to the game, but for ages my boyfriend has been talking about "eggs in a basket" (as in, my brother made me some eggs in a basket this morning). First time he said it, I was like, eggs in a whaaa? Turns out it's when you take a slice of bread, cut a hole in the middle (using either a cookie cutter or drinking glass) and then cook an egg in that hole. Well, I've been bugging him for a long time to make me one, but since our schedules rarely coincide, and when they do, we're both exhausted, it hasn't happened. This past weekend I was at his house in the (late) morning and he said he'd do it, but ended up getting his mom to do it instead ("but she makes them better!" he said...huh, didn't fool me). So you put some butter in the pan, start frying your bread, then crack the egg in the center. You also take the circle you cut from the middle and fry that too. Then you flip the toast till it's done and you've got yourself an egg in a basket. You can do the yolk hard or soft, depending on whether you break it up, and if you do it soft, then you use the circle you cut out to dip in the yolk and eat it up.
Anyway, it was incredibly good and now I'm hooked. I've made them for myself twice this past week. I've just got to go buy some more baskets, as I'm going through them at an alarming rate...
Off to do some creating on this Friday night! New products to inspire me, and I finally got the kit of the class I ordered. Kits are always fun, because you feel creative but you don't have to put as much brain power into it because someone else has already thought it all out for you.
(Oh, and there's this website called Two Peas in a Bucket, a scrapbooking store + community. The community manager, Mellypea, has weekly "Ask Mellypea" video segments. Because I've been dying for a couple of things to come into the warehouse, I emailed Ask Mellypea to inquire when they were coming in. Well, the segment went up this week and I was kind of bummed that my question wasn't in there, but today, when I was on Two Peas, I checked my peamail, and she personally responded to my question! It was so freakin cool, like I got an autograph from a rock star. And speaking of rock stars, there is this hilarious new commercial from Intel. Click on this link and then select the "Rock Star" TV commercial. Especially you, Dad, you'll definitely enjoy it.)

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