Saturday, April 4, 2009

Introduction (or, In Which My Blog Comes Into Being)

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? *Taps mike*

That's what blogging always feels like to me. Nevertheless, here I am, mostly for my own sake. Throughout junior high, high school, and college, I was an avid and obsessive journal keeper. I think at last count my journal was about 2,000 pages single spaced, typed. (Yeah, I know. Get a life.) I haven't kept a journal (apart from a few entries on momentous occasions) for years, mostly because I don't feel like I have that much to write about anymore. This blog will in no way be a replacement for that kind of journaling, to me the whole point of a journal is to write down stuff that you can't tell anyone else. This is going to be my chronicle of the more shallow things in my life, mostly about my creative side.

I love, love, LOVE creating stuff. Scrapbooker is probably too narrow a term for me, since I've only ever created maybe 15 layouts. Papercrafter is a better fit, but most people don't know what papercrafting is, so to the non-initiated, I am a scrapbooker. I don't really have any scrapbooking buddies so I fill that void in my life with blogs of amazing creative women. Even though most of the followers of this blog will probably just be my family, in my dreams someday I could be one of those artists who inspires someone else. Also, this way I can have a record of all my creative projects and musings. As one of the blogs I follow puts it, "musings of an artistic girl in her visual world."

Well enough of the intro. More to come later, like the couple projects I just created over the weekend and links to some of my favorite and why I love them.

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